About The Artist

To everything there is a season, a time to every purpose under heaven, even a time for an attorney to become an artist.

Maybe it was a seed planted in a junior high art class, or perhaps the blood transfusion received following a 2011 post-surgical near-death experience was from a creative individual. Irrespective of the causal nexus, here I am. 

While I occasionally work with oils and mixed media, my primary focus is in the realm of fine-art photography. A few pieces deal with traditional subject matter, but my passion is in what I call Karamatsah. This term, for me, represents experiential imagery of the spirit. 

While viewers may often perceive different things when observing, the essence of my efforts is to exhibit the power of imagination and the divine spark manifesting as our universal connectivity. 

Though my work was selected for exhibition at the Arlington Museum of Arts 37th Annual Juried Show, I didn’t seriously consider offering my works for sale until 2020 to raise funds for my Mom’s intensive home health care expenses. Unfortunately, she passed away in September of that year, and it took me until 2022 to emotionally process that loss in order to again become actively involved in the creative arena. 

Knowing how much Joyce enjoyed my work, I am proceeding with my endeavors as a way of honoring her memory. 

~ David Pinkerton